Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To the Teeth

Well, we are officially three weeks out from Gabriel’s next surgery.  Can’t say I’m really looking forward to it.  Don’t get me wrong, though.  I know this surgery will dramatically improve his life, but to be quite honest, I am already mourning the loss of a face I love so dearly. 

In preparation for the surgery, I had to take Gabriel to see his dentist and orthodontist to figure out what to do with a rogue tooth that’s come in behind the bone grafting on the one side of his gum line that has been repaired.  

Turns out, there’s not one, but two rogue teeth.

The first tooth behind the grafting is actually in a great place for the grafting.  It’s placing just enough pressure on the donor bone that it’s helping to keep the bone in its appropriate location.  Unfortunately, the tooth is in a terrible location for the palate repair – so…it has to come out.

The second rogue tooth is a sneaky, little thing.  In the very small gap between Frank and the rest of the gum line on the right side of Gabriel’s mouth, there is a tooth sitting horizontally in the gap.  The dentist took one look at it and said it would be impossible to get to while Gabriel is awake and, there is no doubt, it cannot stay where it is – otherwise bone grafting on that side would never be able to happen – so…it has to come out.

Fortunately, between the orthodontist, the dentist, and the plastic surgeon, it was determined that the extraction of the teeth can wait until Gabriel is in surgery on the 9th. 

I asked the orthodontist what the chances are that Gabriel’s permanent teeth will grow in the same places as the baby teeth and he said, ‘highly probable.’  I officially have on my sad face right now thinking about the fact that Gabriel’s adult teeth will likely have to be pulled as well, and dental implants will be his only option.  There go all future plans for sunrooms, elaborate cruises, or pretty much anything else that requires money…enter big sigh here.

Other than an upcoming surgery and a couple of rogue teeth, everything else in our Gabriel’s life has been relatively drama free.  At 9½ months old, he now weighs twenty-five pounds!  He doesn’t say much and it takes some work to get a laugh, but he smiles that big, beautiful, wide smile all the time!  What a joy he is!!!

Until next time…

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