Sunday, August 12, 2012

Surgery #3 is coming...

Well, the time has come.  Surgery #3 has been scheduled for October 9th.  Even though it’s still two months away, my worries have already begun.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad we finally have a date and plan.  I’m glad my baby’s life will be improved as a result.  I am just always reminded during these times how much I hate him having to go through all of this.

This third surgery is the big one.  Dr. S will attempt to repair the palate, the lips, and (hopefully) close up the right side of the gums that couldn’t be closed in the last surgery.  Unfortunately, he won’t know if that is possible until he gets in there.  Because one side of the palatal cleft is so large, it is a distinct possibility Dr. S will have to take tissue from the inside of Gabriel’s cheeks to repair the palate.  While it does cause additional pain, I am actually thankful that tissue can be taken from there.  The alternative is taking it from behind his ears or knees, which would result in pain and scarring in other parts of his body.

The surgery should take 4 – 4½ hours.  Gabriel will be in the hospital for 1 – 2 nights depending on whether or not he will take a bottle post-surgery.  Recovery from this surgery should actually take 2 -3 weeks!  Much longer than the others.  He will not be allowed any solid foods during that time and he will have to wear his arm restraints (which he hates) anytime he is not being held by one of us.  The restraints are seriously going to mess up his ability to sleep since he always gets himself back to sleep by ‘chewing’ on his wrist. 

Before his surgery, on September 10th, Gabriel has an appointment with both his pediatric dentist and pediatric orthodontist.  As much as I willed his teeth to not come in, he has seven now and one of them is coming in behind the bone grafting on the left side of his gums.  There is concern with the location because as it continues to come in, it could put too much pressure on the donor bone.  So, the tooth docs need to look at it to see 1) if it needs to be pulled and 2) when.  Hopefully, if it has to come out, they can pull it during his surgery instead of causing another incident of pain.

Provided surgery goes as well as expected, the gum line can be fully repaired and the palate doesn’t open back up, we should be surgery free for at least four years!   

The only thing that truly makes me happy about him having another surgery is that he should be all healed up by his first birthday and, for the first time his cake should not come out his nose!! 

Gabriel is really good at eating off a spoon – I owe this all to my mother-in-law.  If it were left up to me (who was having no luck), I would have given up and just fed him from the bottle.  Spoon-feeding a baby with cleft has been an interesting experience.  I have to clean food out of his nose after every meal.  Sometimes he chokes, coughs, or sneezes and peas will fly out of his nose all over me.  I haven’t taken any pictures of this, mostly because I am so busy cleaning both of us up that a photo op would just get in the way.

In other news, Gabriel had an appointment with his ear doctor recently.  He passed his hearing test – well, mostly.  He didn’t respond to this static noise at all, but the technician said it was likely because it wasn’t interesting to him.  So, he will have another test in four months, and then probably every four months after that for I don’t know how long.

He also has his nine month pediatrician appointment coming soon.  Nine months!!!!  It’s just hard to believe how fast time goes.  Life has been complete chaos lately and I constantly need to remind myself to slow down and really enjoy these moments.  At night, I will sometimes rock Gabriel to sleep and hold him for awhile just so I can memorize how he feels in my arms, how he looks when he sleeps, and how much he needs me.  Before long, all of that will be over and I will be left with no boys who want to cuddle!!

I guess I better start hoping Chad will let me get a cat again sometime in the future…

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